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This film tells a story that is sometimes touching, sometimes sad, and sometimes painful. It is also funny and tearful in its absurdity that accompanies a double journey: a journey of loss, where “Aida” (the director’s mother) struggles with Alzheimer’s disease, fighting the loss of memory and self, and finding solace in her repeated “return” to Jaffa and Palestine in the days of her youth; And the return trip



The Creator movie: the struggle between artificial intelligence and the survival of humanity

Play: I am a genius

Play: I am a genius

The play “I Am a Genius” takes us on an exciting journey into the mind of the genius and inventor Thomas Edison, who changed the face of history with his innovations. Edison was a smart and curious child. Through theatrical work, we learn about the challenges of his childhood, how he overcame many difficulties, his talent for invention and thinking, and his career in the field of innovation emerged.

Tomorrow movie

Tomorrow movie

Under the sponsorship of the Cultures and More Foundations and the Aventati website, the Friends of Nazareth Hospital Association presents the film “Ghadi” on Tuesday 23.4 at 20:00 at the Cinemana Cultural Center - Nazareth.

Proceeds from the film are allocated to develop health projects and facilities in the hospital.

BOMBA Circus

BOMBA Circus

BOMBA Circus 🎪🤡 has arrived
An adventure for the whole family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 of laughter, excitement and fun🤪🤪😜 on the occasion of Happy Eid Al-Fitr
Thursday 11.4 | 17:00 | Cinemana Cultural Center - Nazareth
Happy new year to you and all your loved ones

Al-Hallaj's last night

Al-Hallaj's last night

"Al-Hallaj" spends his last night in his cell, before his death sentence is carried out. The play presents an intellectual conflict through the character of Al-Hallaj, who dialogues with his jailer on several concepts: justice, truth, and divine love. As for the jailer, who represents the authority of the ruler, “Al-Muqtadir Billah,” he has a story and a deep past that we discover during his work! .

INDIANA JONES and the Dial of Destiny

INDIANA JONES and the Dial of Destiny

In 1969, archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones lives an ordinary life far from the excitement he is accustomed to, but he soon returns on an adventure accompanied by his goddaughter Helena in a confrontation with a Nazi man named Fuller.

بخطى العيون

بخطى العيون

معرض الناصرة بعوين مصوريها
معرض صور لكريمة عبود، ناصر وفضيل سابا وآخرين يستمر حتى ٢٤ أيار كل يوم (ما عدا الأحد) من ١٧:٠٠ حتى ٢٠:٠٠

عرض ثلاثية أفلام حول مصوري فلسطين بالحقبة التاريخة ما قبل النكبة يلي العرض، نقاش تديره الكاتبة رنا أبو حنا، بمشاركة الكاتب والباحث خالد عوض والمخرجة مروة جبارة

Muzaffar Al-Nawab: “My God, save me from my homeland.”

Muzaffar Al-Nawab: “My God, save me from my homeland.”

The Iraqi poet Muzaffar Al-Nawab is on a tour of visits during which he travels between our Arab cities and villages. This time he arrives in Nazareth, where he meets Saeed, a young musician who gives musical performances with his friend Asaad in a cultural café, and the three of them become friends.

Story Hour - Easter Bunny

Story Hour - Easter Bunny

Easter bunny
Fassouh (the Easter Bunny) collected enough eggs for all the children and began to color them with beautiful magical colors. Suddenly, Fassouh discovered that the eggs he had prepared had disappeared and no trace of them could be found. What will he do now? Eid is approaching and eggs are not available, and the children cannot be happy about Eid without the magical and colorful Easter eggs.
Written by: Rosine Okal Khouria

 “Professor Ashraf Ibriq about his novel” by Hadith Nazeer

“Professor Ashraf Ibriq about his novel” by Hadith Nazeer

We are honored to invite you to participate in the cultural evening with
Writer and researcher
Professor Ashraf Ebriq
About his novel
“The hadith has a counterpart”
Interviewed by the guest: Lawyer Ali Ahmed Haider
Interventions: Professor Marwan Doueiri, Dr. Kawthar Jaber, Professor Issam Sabbah.
The evening's fortune teller: Nanny Samar Abu Ali
The concert includes musical performances

The movie Syrians in Half Paradise

The movie Syrians in Half Paradise

“Syrians in Half Paradise” is a documentary that aspires to provide fair information to the viewer about the Syrians under Israeli occupation in the occupied Golan, within the historical context of their ongoing struggle experience.
He also pays tribute to them for their steadfastness and strength.

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